• Botkyrka konsthall
  • Botkyrka kommun
  • 147 85 TUMBA
  • +46 8 530 612 25

The residency program

Open Call -
Developing Nordic Cities

photo: Isabel Löfgren


Residence Botkyrka invites artists, architects, activists and others of interest to the residency program to apply for a one to two months residency in Fittja, Botkyrka through the Nordic residency program Developing Nordic Cities. The residency periods are for April 2012 – January 2013.

In Botkyrka art is used as a catalyst in the social structure. Residence Botkyrka is a studio program for internationally active artists, architects and curators.

Botkyrka is part of Greater Stockholm and is one of Sweden’s most international municipalities with people from about eighty different countries speaking more than hundred languages.

Residence Botkyrka promotes site-specific, context-based art exploring the possibilities of art to influence a place and its identity. Residence Botkyrka works in public spaces and supports projects that are difficult to implement without a prolonged stay. Residence Botkyrka is also interested in the issues of co-creation and how the interaction between people can contribute to social change.

Residence Botkyrka is run by Botkyrka konsthall and is a collaboration between the Department of Culture and Leisure, the Department of Urban Planning, the housing company Botkyrkabyggen, and the Multicultural Centre, a center with national mandate for migration research, in the municipality of Botkyrka. This cooperation enables different people, such as urban planners and researchers, to contribute with knowledge and networks to the visiting grant holders.




Botkyrka has adopted an extension of the so called “one percent rule”, where artists are offered the opportunity of a public commission to work within the municipal street and park design and wastewater treatment. Within the framework of Residence Botkyrka, artists are invited at an early idea- and planning stage of the development process. Residency artists are shortlisted to public art commissions.

Botkyrka municipality aims to promote a sustainable community development, ecological, social and economic. This also permeates Residence Botkyrka.

Practical information:
The residency award includes travelling to and from the Residency in Fittja, Botkyrka, local travelling in the region, and a stipend of 1000 euro monthy, work space at the Multicultural Center in Fittja, as well as discount lunches at the Center and a shared apartment at Krögarvägen 26 in Fittja. (Private room, shared kitchen and bathroom, shared social spaces and a complimentary cleaning of shared areas.)

We would especially like to invite artists and architects interested in community projects and with a documented knowledge of a community art practice.

Please send us a personal letter and maximum 5 files (text, light jpgs, dvds etc.) of your practice.

Send your application to: application@residencebotkyrka.se

A group of curators will make selections and the selections will be based on artistic quality and highest potential of local development for Fittja.

Please submit your proposal no later than April 30th 2012.

Artist/architects/designers/curators/critics/cityplanners/activists eligible for Developing Nordic Cities can only be based in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, The Faroe Islands, Greenland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Åland. (Tax address applicable.)


Developing Nordics Cities is supported by Nordic Culture Point.



Residence Botkyrka is run by Botkyrka konsthall, with support from The Foundation for the Culture of the Future, in collaboration with the City Planning Department in the municipality of Botkyrka, the Multicultural Centre and the housing corporation Botkyrkabyggen.